Preaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Preaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Why should we encourage STEM conversations in the church? Has science been treated as a subject for a sermon that is to be avoided as it causes controversy and conversational unrest? Perhaps in the digital age we find ourselves in, we need to foster a love of science that encourages more scientific individuals to engage with the church and become missionaries in their fields.

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The Vulnerability of Jesus by Anita Cleverly

The Vulnerability of Jesus by Anita Cleverly

‘To be vulnerable’ stems from the Latin vulnerare, to wound, and vulnus, a wound. It can have two quite different meanings: to be capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt, or to be open to persuasion, temptation or censure. To be vulnerable in the second sense is not a sin, is not displeasing to God. What matters is where our vulnerability leads us, and how we react to it.

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